Business, individual, and team coaching that illuminates your path forward.

“Expand your leadership impact, and create powerful, value-creating teams and businesses.”

— Lisa Walsh, Founder, Beacon Executive Coaching.

Transformational coaching that reveals new possibilities and solutions.

If you are a C- or VP- level executive leading a company, building or realigning a senior team, or an individual wanting to develop critical leadership skills, Beacon Executive Coaching helps you become an authentic, inspiring leader.

This type of transformational coaching can also be profound when used to build great teams and help existing teams create value for stakeholders.

Explore new possibilities and solutions for your professional and personal life that you may not have seen before. And develop the capabilities needed to achieve the results you define for yourself and your team.


Lisa Walsh, Founder, Beacon Executive Coaching

Lisa Walsh, the Founder of Beacon Executive Coaching, is certified in both executive and team coaching. Her style is a unique combination of empathy and candor.

She is strongly future-oriented, and challenges her clients and client teams to speak the vision of their future, illuminate and explore the possibilities to achieve the results they seek, and commit to action, reflection, and learning throughout the process.

“Working with Lisa was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I highly recommend engaging her services.”

— Scott D., Director, Investment Sales.

You want to get to the next level, but…

You’re motivated to get to the next level. Perhaps you don’t yet have the insight needed to take the first step or the opportunities to develop the capabilities needed to advance.

Do you find yourself saying the following?

  • I achieved the leadership role I wanted, but it’s a lot less comfortable than I thought it would be…

  • I want to try some new things in my current role to develop new skills and am not sure how to get those opportunities….

  • I’m a tactical expert and want to take on a more strategic role; however, those roles are not coming my way…

  • I don’t like having tough conversations…

  • I want to find my voice….

  • I want to be more confident in presenting my ideas…

  • I’ve tried several times to achieve a better work/life flow, but it’s not been sustainable….

  • I have achieved what I thought I wanted to achieve; now what…?

  • My team isn’t as motivated or engaged as it once was, and our results are slipping…

  • Our stakeholders demand ever-greater value-creation from my team; how do I create and lead a high-performing team, in person or remotely?


“A series of individualized coaching sessions with Lisa taught me how to remain authentic in every professional interaction so that my personal values are never compromised. I am grateful for the practical communication tools, exercises, and partnership that Lisa consistently delivers as she elevates me to a better version of myself.”

— Ashley O., Dentist.


 Achieve the results you and your team seek.

  • Gain the insight needed to become a more inspiring leader, whether you are working in-person or remotely.

  • Explore and define how to acquire the capabilities you need to create and maximize the value of new opportunities.

  • Be given a chance to learn new skills, as well as sharpen your existing ones.

  • Bring authenticity to all aspects of your life.

  • Make choices and set priorities aligned with your core values and purpose.

  • Achieve the success you envision, individually and as a team member or leader.

  • Create or realign a team that achieves collective results and creates value.

Beacon Executive Coaching Services


Business Coaching

Create a powerful vision and plan for your business.

Commit to the time and space you need to articulate why your business exists, what you do, how you will succeed, the most important things you need to do now, and who must do them.


Individual Coaching

Be your absolute best in all areas of life. 

Choose a fulfilling professional and personal life consistent with your values. Commit to a transformational journey as you realize the vision of your life that you create through coaching.


Team Coaching

Build trust-based, value-creating teams.

Identify, understand, and eliminate the barriers that have held your team back. Build a trust-based team that creates value from a shared purpose that engages all of your stakeholders.


Your Coaching Journey


Honestly explore what you want, where you want to go, and how to get there.

When you commit to your coaching journey and fully and honestly explore what you want, where you want to go, and how to get there, profound things can happen!

You can make choices differently with this insight - fulfillment, balance, meaning, and growth are possible as you define and pursue your path forward.


An intentional, safe environment for your exploration and action.

Lisa offers a safe environment that supports intentional conversations around your core values and how to embrace those values in your journey to living your life’s purpose. Through her own core values of connection, trust, and faith, Lisa forms deep, trust-based relationships with her coaching clients.

Lisa’s coaching combines an intense desire to be of service, a lifetime of professional leadership experience, and professional coach training to support leaders and their teams. 


An experienced coach to support you on your coaching journey.


Your trusted accountability partner.

Whether you’re a C-suite executive, team leader, or front-line decision-maker, Beacon Executive Coaching supports you with integrity, and a commitment to you, your team, and your business.

Lisa Walsh, founder of Beacon, brings coaching expertise and deep experience in business and leadership to every coaching session.

“My clients are so much more than what they do professionally. My focus is to help them articulate and make choices consistent with their core values so they can confidently achieve the goals they set for themselves, both professionally and personally.”

— Lisa Walsh, Founder, Beacon Executive Coaching.

Coaching Articles

Get to know Lisa a little better! Please browse her recent Forbes Coaches Council articles.



"Lisa is an Executive Coach who is passionate about what she does, cares about her clients, and knows how to achieve results.”

— Richard W., CEO, Energy Company.


Book a complimentary discovery call today!