Quick Tip: ‘Baby’ Steps Leaders Can Take To Adopt A Coaching Leadership Style
It’s not uncommon for managers to take a prescriptive approach to leadership by providing team members with specific instructions on how to accomplish tasks. Unfortunately, this can stifle creativity, limit growth and lead employees to grow dependent on their leader. Transitioning to a coaching model of leadership is a transformative step leaders can take to empower their team members to find their own answers and solutions.
Create ‘Safe To Fail’ Development Opportunities
Explore the areas of development that are of most interest to the team member you are coaching and that create value for the team. Identify one or two areas in which the person would like to develop, and then create opportunities for them where they are “safe to fail.” These are small steps a person can take in the desired area of development to build their confidence. Once successful, they can take on greater growth challenges.
- Lisa Walsh, Beacon Executive Coaching
Originally published on Forbes Coaches Council.