Quick Tip: Coaches Share Lessons They Learned From Standout Group Sessions

Coaches cherish those extraordinary times when an organizational or team coaching session they are running has a profound impact in both the participants’ lives and the coach’s approach to future group engagements.


Deepening Connections Transformed An Executive Team

I was fortunate to support a CEO and his executive team by employing systemic team coaching. With a lot of hard work, the team evolved from a poorly performing group of functional experts to a highly cohesive, value-creating team. The transformation was made possible by a commitment to deepening relationships and effective communication. I bring that lesson with me to every new coaching engagement.

- Lisa Walsh, Beacon Executive Coaching


Originally published on Forbes Coaches Council.


Quick Tip: ‘Baby’ Steps Leaders Can Take To Adopt A Coaching Leadership Style


Quick Tip: Nonverbal Pitfalls For Leaders To Avoid To Give An Effective Speech