Quick Tip: How To Self-Reflect: Meaningful Steps Business Owners Can Take


Busy entrepreneurs and founders don’t often have a lot of time in their day for objective introspection, where they intentionally try to become more aware of aspects of themselves that either drive or hinder their progress. 

However, it is especially important for business owners to reflect on how their behavior is affecting their relationships, the perceptions of those around them, and, consequently, the outcomes of their own actions. Without taking the time to do this, you will miss opportunities to grow—not only as a leader but also as a person.


Consider Doing A Core Values Exercise

I was unfulfilled in my past role until an exercise revealed that I was at odds with my core values. By articulating three core values and acting on them, I’ve launched the business I was made to create. Now, I weigh each personal and professional decision against them, and when I align decisions with my core values, I show up my best in all areas of life. — Lisa Walsh, Beacon Executive Coaching, LLC


Originally published on Forbes Coaches Council.


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