Quick Tip: Cultivate Good Habits and Cut The Bad Ones
Humans are creatures of habit. Every one of us, regardless of where we are in our lives, has developed routines that we're familiar with. Cultivating a habit is similar, and even if we don't do it consciously, we create patterns through repeated actions. However, not all of these habits are beneficial to our lives. Some of them can be quite destructive in their own ways.
So how does a professional go about cultivating positive habits and erasing the negative ones?
Design Your 10 Daily Habits
I love what I call my "10 Daily Habits" list. It is the first thing I see each morning. The actions on the list remind me that my self-care guarantees that I show up in service to others with an open and optimistic mindset. My habits range from dedicating one hour per day to exercise, to performing one act of service for another. My day always goes better when I am true to my list. — Lisa Walsh, Beacon Executive Coaching, LLC
Originally published on Forbes Coaches Council.