Quick Tip: Learn How Your Coaches’ Unique Background Informs Their Practice
Many coaches have distinct professional backgrounds and prior experience in other fields, from sales and marketing to human resources and beyond.
Gaining expertise in another industry or specialty first helps them guide others who are in similar boats toward success.
The jobs your coach held and companies they worked for (or started) prior to becoming a coach continue to inspire and influence your coaches’ practices today.
Being Intentional and Clear With Clients
I had a long and successful career in consulting.
This has been very helpful in my coaching practice in four ways:
First, my coaching is founded on real-world experience with leaders and teams.
Second, I have immediate credibility with potential clients.
Third, I can be intentional and clear with the client when explaining the differences between consulting and coaching.
And finally, I can provide clarity when I am wearing each hat.
- Lisa Walsh, Beacon Executive Coaching
Originally published on Forbes Coaches Council.