Quick Tip: Advice For Workaholics - Helpful Ways To Attain Work-Life Balance
Society has evolved to a point where business people occasionally post 80-hour weeks in search of success. Consistent abuse of one's body in such a way can lead to burnout—not to mention, destroy the quality of a person's life. Profits and reaching goals are consequential, but so are health and well-being.
Workaholics can be a danger to themselves, and the more they dedicate toward success, the less they have remaining to help them achieve proper balance in life.
Say ‘No’ Effectively
The ability to say "no" in a way that is well received is essential to ensuring a satisfying work-life balance.
Consider doing the following:
Defining exactly your professional goals with the person doing your performance review.
Checking your motives before saying "no."
Thinking carefully about the words you choose when delivering the message.
Accepting incremental changes as you redefine boundaries.
— Lisa Walsh, Beacon Executive Coaching, LLC
Originally published on Forbes Coaches Council.